Some production images from my shortfilm.
The top left if the rig of the machine. I did some minor changes with the way he is strapped onto the machine, but its pretty close to what you can see here.
The top right is the final rig of both the character and machine. This is how the fresh clean scene looks like, when I'm about to start a new animation. I did add both characters under a main controler, though.
The buttom left is the final rig of the man. He is very simple, since he didn't have that much freedom to move anyways. Pure IK rig on both arms and legs, because I'm pretty lazy, and because like to create the arcs my self.
FK on spine though.
The buttom right is the concept art for man and machine. I liked it, and it got a few laughs from the people I showed it to, so I tried to stick closely to this, when I translated it into 3d. Especially the curve of the machine. I made it straight, the first go I had at it in maya, but it just got way to stiff, so I ended up just copying the concept art I did, and make it curved over the back of the man.