Hey guys.
A non-animation update... sort of...
I have an animation shelf in maya, that was populated with a bunch of standart maya shelf icons, for opening different animation related editors, and a few neat commands.
There is really NOT much to it, but maybe someone can find it usefull.
The icons looks like this:

Probably not the prettiest icons you'll ever see, but they are better than the standart maya ones.
It's for Playblast (last settings), toggle on/off playback rate display on screen, open graph editor, toggle on/off frame count display on screen and open dope sheet.
You can download the full pack here, plus the icons, and even the psd in 320*320 so you can edit whatever you want and scale for your self.
I trust you know where to put what ;)
LinkHope you can find some use to it.
Oh, and the base of the Framecounter was found, I believe, on the 11secondclub.com forums awhile ago.
I just modifed it, added toggle on/off, and based it on the playback speed script.