Okay, about time I update my blog.
I did some crucial changes in the anatomy which made it far more accurate, and I'm happy with the result. After talking to the guy who is gonna shoot the live action plate, track it and later composite the whole project (Morten Christensen www.two-penguins.com, we decided to move on to rigging.
So this is where I'm at right now.
It's still in progress but the rig is super simpel. I alsmost only animate in IK mode, and since his is constantly gonna grab something, I'm making a pure IK setup on both arms and legs, while keeping ik FK on the spine, neck and head.
I'm trying a new bone system, that I'm looking foreward to see how turns out. Normally I would just put a single joint in the knee and elbow, but I can see other setup artists use a setup with a joint more to prevent collapsing in the knee/elbow. So now I have a joint at the knee, but also a small one above AND below.
I havn't bound any geometry to the rig yet, so I havn't tested this new system yet, though.
The model might undergo a few minor changes, but as it's not bound to the rig yet, I can make all the changes I want, as long as the anatomy stays the same.
On the image, all the black parts of the geometry (the wire color) are sliced up and linked to the joints. The yellow-ish arent yet.
Still A LOT of work to do, I havn't even started the unwrapping yet, which I'm sure gonna cause trouble, when trying to create his suit...
It's a bit frustrating, when all I really want is to animate, but I don't really want to use a free internet rig, animating test scenes of guys pushing heavy boxes. I'd much rather integrate what ever exercise I might be doing, into something cool project, with a more personal a unique look that the trvivial internet rigs offers, so for the moment, I'm just gonna suck it up, and work harder :)
Cheers, and see you soon for an update.
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