Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Okay, gotta be time for another update, mainly on my (forever) ongoing short film project.
I've finally started in school, which also means less time for personal projects, but hopefully also more effeciency and skills ;)

I changed my work in progress title from "Departure" to "Deep". I think the name is way cooler and a bit smarter. The name is obvious in the sense it takes place partly under water, but also i concern to the characters and their feelings.

I'm still working on the storyboard and design of the film, but it's coming along okay.
I've got some concept art done, but I'll need a little bit more then I will post it here.
As I said, the design is still in progress but also moving foreward.
I think the film will be around 5 minutes long which is by far the longest film I've made, but I believe it's a pretty decent length for such a story. It is after all pretty slow paced so 15 minutes would be boring. 2 minutes would on the other hand be way too short to tell the story with enough emotion.

Anyways, here's a little teaser for you all (my self I guess :D)
I've locked on to a pretty solid color scheme and hope you like it.



Jeff Hindsbøl Hansen said...

Fedt du kom ind christoffer, tillykke! (går ud fra det er viborg ;)).

glæder mig til at se mere fra din film der. nu du nødt til at lave videre haha :P ..

god vind

Christoffer Andersen said...

Hey Jeff :)
Tak. Ja det er i viborg.

Ja, jeg arbejder på den, så vidt det er muligt, men sidder på skolen fra morgen til nat lige pt. så der er ikke så meget tid, desværre.
Men forhåbentlig kommer der stille og roligt mere og mere på projektet.


Magnus I. Møller said...

Hi, nice blog you have there. Good luck with the film and your studies.


Christoffer Andersen said...

Hey Magnus!
Thanks a lot for dropping by :)
I hope I'll have time to work on the short in the future, but right now it's pretty much all about school.