I finally got to work on my storyboard again. It's still not final, but I think it's getting closer.
It's way better (and longer, running time 4:57 atm.) than my first version, and I feel like I'm a lot more familiar with the story, characters and everything now.
No matter how it turns out, or even if it never finishes (god forbid), you can't argue it's not thought through ;)
So, like I said, it's still not final. My good friend Henrik has offered to look it through. He did that with the first draft, and came back with some excellent ideas and comments.
I would like to share some of it, even though it's not finished. It's picked randomly across the film (and ordered randomly as well), and the colorscheme is only for clarity, not the final artistic choice ;)
I'm still a bit unsure of how much I'd like to show of this early process. I don't think I'll post a lot of wips, but final milestones will be here, no doubt about that.
'Nough rambling, here are some pics from the storyboard - eight to be exact!

Have a nice day!
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